Zero2 Wireless is here to help. Whether you need troubleshooting, account support, or service info, our team is ready to assist you quickly and efficiently.

Please, make an effort to troubleshoot, before contacting Zero2 Wireless!
Sometimes the simplest techniques will be enough to resolve your issues and restore your Internet connection. Let’s try a few easy steps & some basic troubleshooting.
Welcome To Router Troubleshooting

Having issues connecting to the Internet? Your router may be to blame. Work your way through basic troubleshooting, using this checklist. This will help you test whether your router is the cause of your internet anguish. We want you to be able to get back online as quickly as possible!

Is the website or app you are using offline? Find out more information here:
Look at your router

Verify Ethernet Cables Are Properly Connected:
This may sound like a no-brainer, but someone may have accidentally pulled on or kicked a cable, causing it to unplug or become loose. Also check for damage. See if the cable looks torn or perhaps chewed by a pet. Each cable end should be securely connected, but not loose.

Common reasons why:
Equipment malfunctions
Website or app you are using is down. Check here!
Zero2 Wireless is experiencing an outage. This may include standard maintenance, bad weather, or a power outage. You can check here to see if we are experiencing an outage.
Any equipment belonging to Zero2, internal or external devices used during the initial installation will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
A long network outage prolonging more than 4 days will be prorated and deducted from your current bill. During this event, any additional concerns can be directed to (830) 800-0234
It is blinking blue because the router has been reset to factory defaults.
Download the TP Link Deco app here: For Apple or for Android. Then follow the instructions for setting up your router on the TP-Link website.